A Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) is a settlement tool used by parties to prevent a cost shift of future injury-related Medicare covered expenses to Medicare when the settlement terms close out liability for future medical.
Author: Rasa Fumagalli
Over the years, we’ve been confronted with glaring headlines involving lawsuits that appear ridiculous. At times however, the plaintiffs may produce sufficient evidence to support their claims, as in the McDonald’s third degree burns from hot coffee litigation.
In the fall of 2018, the Department of Health & Human Services/CMS published an abstract of a proposed rule entitled “Miscellaneous Medicare Secondary Payer Clarifications and Updates.”
As of January 1, 2019, Medicare Part D prescription drug plans began implementing a three part plan to help combat the nation’s opioid epidemic.
Workers’ compensation and personal injury claims adjusters and attorneys spend a great deal of time analyzing medical records in connection with their cases.
Most workers’ compensation practitioners and claims handlers know that the Workers’ Compensation Review Contractor (WCRC) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) conducts an independent review of Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside proposal submissions.
Nyhan, Bambrick, Kinzie & Lory attended the annual NAMSAP (National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals) Conference.
The Medicare Secondary Payer Act provides that Medicare is a Secondary Payer when a primary payer has responsibility for payment.
As we move further away from 9/11, it is apparent that the list of health conditions related to the toxic chemical exposures at the devastation sites is growing.
Lyrica has been the subject of recent discussions within the Medicare Set-Aside professional community.