Category: Blog

The Opioid Crisis and Medical Marijuana for Injured Illinois Workers: POTential Claims Management and Workplace Issues

2.14.2019 Blog
It’s no secret there is an opioid crisis in this country. Millions of Americans – including injured workers - are prescribed opiate pain medications. Seen as an effective substitute for such drugs, many individual states have legalized the use of medical marijuana.

Motions to Reinstate – Getting the Upper Hand

1.22.2019 Blog
Like middle children, Reinstatement Motions don’t get enough attention. The general consensus is that Reinstatement Motions almost always get granted, and any fight is an exercise in futility. Cases are routinely reinstated without objection, and often get granted without a formal record.

Answers by Amy

1.15.2019 Blog
Question:  We recently learned that an injured worker is using an American citizen’s Social Security number, and that American citizen is a Medicare beneficiary.  The worker using that Social Security number is technically undocumented, however, and is 64 years old.  What do I need to do in my settlement to remain in compliance with the Medicare Secondary Payer Act?