Join NBKL attorneys at the ISIA 2021 Virtual Basic Nuts & Bolts Workshop
The ISIA is pleased to present its 2021 VIRTUAL “NUTS AND BOLTS” program. This program is designed as a basic, entry-level introduction to Illinois Workers’ Compensation. The material will emphasize the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act and its application by using both “black letter” law and recent decisions from the IWCC and courts.
This program emphasizes a fundamental application of the law in the claims setting by providing you with an understanding of how the law developed and where it is heading. You will be better equipped to understand why your claims may or may not be found compensable and what remedies and defenses might apply.
This seminar is presented in a virtual workshop setting. Class participation is encouraged. The workshop includes MCLE, CWCP, CRCC and CCMC continuing education credits under the direction of ISIA Executive Secretary, Adam J. Cox, Partner at Nyhan, Bambrick, Kinzie & Lowry, P.C., and the firm’s attorneys, who concentrate their practice in workers’ compensation, occupational disease and employer liability defense.
Tuition cost for the three days is $99.95 for ISIA members and $169.95 for non-members. The fee includes access to the virtual program, the 2021 Nuts and Bolts desk reference book and continuing education credits. Access information to the virtual presentation will be forwarded once your registration is confirmed.
We believe you will find this to be the best introduction and update on Illinois Workers’ Compensation Law. The deadline to register is March 26, 2021. To register for the event on-line, visit our website and click “Registration” where you can buy tickets through our Eventbrite page.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or (312) 804-3534.