Category: Blog

Between the Numbers: CMS Releases (Some) Data on WCMSA Submissions and Approvals From the Last Three Years

12.7.2022 Blog
CMS released some data for their WCMSA approvals over the last three years. The data suggests that CMS increased the proposed WCMSA amounts by 14% on average, and shows that the number of WCMSAs submitted to CMS each year are trending down. Despite the limited data provided, there are other potential implications for WCMSA submitters.

Not on My Turf! Veering off the Course of Employment While Travelling to and From Work

11.22.2022 Blog
In a recent unpublished decision, Hoots v. (Dollar General), IWCC, 2022 IL App (4th) 220441WC-U), the Appellate Court agreed with the Commission that Petitioner failed to show that her accident occurred in the course of her employment. Petitioner was not considered a traveling employee simply because she commuted to work. Further, the employer did not own, maintain, control, or direct Petitioner to traverse in the area in which the injury occurred.

“I’m Putting Everything In Dispute”

9.14.2022 Blog
As a young attorney, I remember (amidst the morning buzz at the Commission) overhearing another attorney proclaim something along the lines of, “If we’re not settled here and now, then we’re going to trial today… and I’m putting everything in dispute except jurisdiction and employment.”