Introducing our Illinois Workers’ Compensation Fraud Practice
Furthering our commitment to be your trusted advisors in all areas of workers’ compensation defense, Nyhan, Bambrick, Kinzie, & Lowry is pleased to introduce our new Illinois Workers’ Compensation Fraud Practice Group. The goal of the Fraud Practice Group is to assist employers in identifying, investigating, and prosecuting employees who are committing or have committed workers’ compensation fraud. Nyhan, Bambrick, Kinzie, & Lowry hired the best to lead our new Group: Norman Burdick, the leading workers’ compensation fraud attorney in the state of Illinois. Mr. Burdick is a former investigator and attorney with the Illinois Department of Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Fraud Unit (WCFU). Since leaving the WCFU, Mr. Burdick’s law practice has focused exclusively on workers’ compensation fraud. Mr. Burdick has worked with American Airlines, Peoples Gas, Dart/Solo, and other companies, large and small, the Illinois State Police, and the Illinois Department of Corrections, to identify, investigate, and push cases to prosecution of employee workers’ compensation fraud.