Congratulations to Amy Bilton

3.23.2022 Firm News
We are proud to announce that our shareholder and co-managing partner, Amy Bilton, was recently inducted as a Fellow into the College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers during the Annual Induction held in New Orleans.

Ten Years Later – Medicare and Liability Medicare Set Asides

3.22.2022 Blog
On March 2, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) submitted a proposed rule on Medicare Secondary Payer and Future Medicals (CMS-6047) to the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which if adopted could have a game-changing impact on liability, and perhaps other types of cases throughout the country.

Illinois Supreme Court’s Decision in Mcdonald v. Symphony Bronzeville Park, LLC; Exclusive Remedy Provision Does Not Bar Claims Under the Biometric Information Privacy Act

2.10.2022 Blog
On February 3, 2022, the Illinois Supreme Court held that claims under the Biometric Information Privacy Act (Privacy Act) are not barred by the Workers’ Compensation Act’s (Compensation Act’s) exclusive remedy provisions and therefore, claimants may seek redress in the Circuit Court and not at the Workers’ Compensation Commission.