Nyhan, Bambrick, Kinzie & Lory attended the annual NAMSAP (National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals) Conference.
In response to the question whether the Medicare Secondary Payer statute preempted the state’s automobile no fault law, the State of Florida Third District Court of Appeal responded with an emphatic No!
The Medicare Secondary Payer Act provides that Medicare is a Secondary Payer when a primary payer has responsibility for payment.
You may have asked that question lately. In the management of workers’ compensation claims, Utilization Review (UR) provides a process whereby proposed treatment is assessed for medical necessity and reasonableness.
For the third year, Shareholder Amy Bilton has organized a team to assist in building a home for a low-income, woman-led family as part of Habitat for Humanity Chicago's Women Build Week.
As we move further away from 9/11, it is apparent that the list of health conditions related to the toxic chemical exposures at the devastation sites is growing.
NBKL Participates in Race Judicata
Firm News
On September 13, NBKL staff and attorneys participated in Race Judicata, an annual 5K that raises funds for Chicago Volunteer Legal Services.
Lyrica has been the subject of recent discussions within the Medicare Set-Aside professional community.
I have a claimant who is currently 62 years and 1 month old. The total settlement is over $250,000. Does this meet the CMS review threshold? If not, are we “safe” by not submitting?
Joseph Gregorio Earns Certified Medicare Secondary Payer Professional Certification
Firm News
The Louisiana Association of Self Insured Employers (LASIE) is proud to announce that Joseph Gregorio of Nyhan, Bambrick, Kinzie & Lowry earned the Certified Medicare Secondary Payer (CMSP) Certification.